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The psychic internet /**/ watery internet

Psychic Ways of Knowing is a series of intricate maps that chart both real and dreamt encounters with holy water springs across Bulgaria. These maps emerge from 4 years of artistic research that explores the intersections of intuition, consciousness, and the fluidity of feeling. By merging personal dreams, emotional responses, and empirical encounters, the series offers an intuitive cartography that bridges scientific and mystical perspectives on consciousness and water’s role as a carrier of memory and emotion.

The project draws on cyberfeminist thought, mycelial networks, and morphic fields to consider holy springs as part of a living, connective web or spiral, positing these sites as sources of intuitive knowledge within an interconnected psychic and physical landscape. This mapping process envisions springs as more than isolated natural features, instead perceiving them as parts of an active, relational field where emotions and memories resonate and are amplified, where listening to ones body opens up a communication with the planet and the living world.

Informed by quantum science, Psychic Ways of Knowing explores how water, as a receptive medium, holds energetic imprints, connecting the material and psychic realms. These maps are an evolving visual language that aims to illustrate the resonance between water, consciousness, and feeling. The project is a bridge between speculative science, cyberfeminist frameworks, and embodied, emotional geographies, inviting viewers to explore an expanded understanding of intuitive knowledge and relational, more-than-human ways of knowing.

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